Monday, October 19, 2020

 Assalamualaikum & hello everyone...

Hey it's me again...thinking of just writing about my first video ever that I'm going to be posting on youtube pretty sooOoOoon *excited* Well actually not really the first video ever that's gonna be uploaded...more like the first with me in it on my channel...but like I'm not gonna be telling what I'm gonna put on there...just like what I did in the process of making it?

Idk man...I just feel like babbling 😅...sorry guys...

So basically I was thinking of making a video abt this, but then I have no idea if my kerajinan is gonna be there since I have certain things planned and also I'm like super slow at doing things so kalau ada...then...*shook pikachu face* I'm gonna be amazed with myself! hahaha

So basically I promised myself that I'll talk about what I wanted to talk about in that video (tolong tonton?hehehe...thank you in advance) so that's why I made that video. Took me way too long to finally want to record it...took hours rakam sebab I got freakin nervous padahal sorang2 dalam bilik...ulang so many times the same sentences trying to get..kononnya like a perfect way of saying them.

Bila nak edit...nak kena tengok balik yang rakam berjam-jam tu...dah la ambik yang first2 punya attempt pula tu -_-

And guess what...I don't know how to hilangkan bunyi kenderaan yang extreme dalam background tu...apologies for that ye...saya dah cuba daaah...I really tried..but then when I moved dia punya setting at certain just messed up the sound at other parts..tak pro macam ni la

But I still hope that you all would still enjoy listening to me cerita 😅...




I also put up wallpapers at the space where I recorded the video, to cover up dinding yang... hahahah... sangat la tak bersih tu and decorated that space with my plushies which also something that I've planned to make a video out of it for youtube tp tu la...tengok je la macam mana ye 

Terima kasih baca sampai habis...bye2 😘